Larsec first experience with computer music was in 1989 on his Commodore 64 where he
toyed around with trying to creating something audiable... He semi-suceeded...
The year before Lars had started playing bass and in 1992 he got his first guitar.
In 1996 he got his first PC and picked up the habit of making music on the computer
once more after a 5 year break. FastTracker2 was the software of choice. He got a new
PC that couldn't handle FastTracker2 (or was it the other way around?) and switched
to ModPlug Tracker which he tinkered with for some time before finally settling with
Reason from Propellerhead Software. Larsec released his first game music remix at in 2003 and has enjoyed remixing ever since. This is his first OCR-related
release but there are more to come some time in the future...